Important Update: March Gradings

With the current COVID-19 situation in the UK we would like to take this opportunity to let you know all our Gradings will be taking place as planned in March. We will notify you as soon as possible of any changes on our website and our Facebook page. 

We want to ensure our students stay as fit and healthy as possible and we want to help prevent illness. 

1. We would ask that if you are feeling unwell or have been unwell leading up to your grading that you defer your grading until June. 

2. We have made the decision that we will not be shaking hands with students when they are presented with their grades. 

3. We would also ask that you follow the government guidelines on ‘How to avoid catching or spreading coronavirus’


  • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  • always wash your hands when you get home or into work
  • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
  • try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell


  • do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

We thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing