Category Archives: News

September/October Gradings

We are pleased to be able to share with you the new procedures and processes for the September/October Kyu and Dan Gradings. Please read through everything carefully.

What’s new?

Students must register for PRE-GRADING & GRADING

We are asking members to register directly with their instructor rather than submitting a paper grading form. You must have registered with your club instructor  by 7 September to allow us enough time to plan lesson times on grading day. Numbers are restricted in the hall.

There is no Swindon or Salisbury Pre-Grading on this occasion

Dorcan Leisure Centre in Swindon is not re-opening until late September so there is no time for us to put measures in place to operate a pre-grading lesson here. We are urging students to attend Reading Pre-Grading. We hope that gradings should run as planned in Swindon. We will advise should anything change.

Were you due to grade in Swindon in March?

If you were due to grade in Swindon in March and would like to grade in September/October you still need to register with your instructor. It is important we know exact numbers of who will be attending our events to ensure the safety of our students.

Students can double grade

As some students missed out on Grading in March, as well as June, if they wish to double grading, they may do so in this grading period – excludes Dan grades. Please ensure you inform your instructor. 


Families of different grades can choose to train and grade at the same sessions. Please advise us of your chosen session.

Grading information

Our Grading information sheet is available here to download.

Any questions?

If you have any questions please get in touch with Sensei Cole.

Summer Camp – 6 places remaining

There are 6 places remaining on this year’s summer camp.

We now have the details available for the summer camp, including the schedule and Health and Safety plans to manage the wellbeing of students and their families.

  • Everyone will have their temperature taken and be asked to sanitise their hands before training.
  • Training sessions will be one hour, 3 times a day, to ensure less time spent in the hall.
  • Everyone will be spaced out 2 meters apart, and there will be no pair work for warm ups or training.
  • Grading kumite will be simulated moves, not with a partner.
  • There will be no kiais or shouting.
  • Face coverings can be worn if wanted, and we will be operating track and trace.

The schedule will be as follows;

  • Friday and Saturday: lessons will be 10am-11, 12-1 and 2-3pm
  • Saturday 4pm grading registration
  • Sunday: lessons will be 10am -11, 12-1pm. Gradings start at 1.30

The Trouville hotel has put in place a rigorous best practice and “Safe Stay” programme including:

  • Safe contactless check in and out
  • Keys sanitised before issue and upon return.
  • Changes made to our Dining Facilities and Operations to ensure “Safe Distancing” is observed. Table service in the bar and restaurant, Plate Service offered,
    contactless Collect and Go facility with Room Service also as an option.
  • Rigorous Deep Cleaning and Sanitisation of bedrooms and public areas using industry standard anti-microbial sanitizers and disinfectants with extra attention to all high-touch hard surfaces throughout the premises.
  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitisation in all communal traffic areas with guest accessible sanitising stations and hygienic wipes provided throughout the premises.

We are sure that everyone will enjoy the camp whilst keeping safe, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Important Information for those attending Summer Camp

We now have the details available for the summer camp, including the schedule and Health and Safety plans to manage the wellbeing of students and their families.

  • Everyone will have their temperature taken and be asked to sanitise their hands before training.
  • Training sessions will be one hour, 3 times a day, to ensure less time spent in the hall.
  • Everyone will be spaced out 2 meters apart, and there will be no pair work for warm ups or training.
  • Grading kumite will be simulated moves, not with a partner.
  • There will be no kiais or shouting.
  • Face coverings can be worn if wanted, and we will be operating track and trace.

The schedule will be as follows;

  • Friday and Saturday: lessons will be 10am-11, 12-1 and 2-3pm
  • Saturday 4pm grading registration
  • Sunday: lessons will be 10am -11, 12-1pm. Gradings start at 1.30


The Trouville hotel has put in place a rigorous best practice and “Safe Stay” programme including:

  • Safe contactless check in and out
  • Keys sanitised before issue and upon return.
  • Changes made to our Dining Facilities and Operations to ensure “Safe Distancing” is observed. Table service in the bar and restaurant, Plate Service offered,
    contactless Collect and Go facility with Room Service also as an option.
  • Rigorous Deep Cleaning and Sanitisation of bedrooms and public areas using industry standard anti-microbial sanitizers and disinfectants with extra attention to all high-touch hard surfaces throughout the premises.
  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitisation in all communal traffic areas with guest accessible sanitising stations and hygienic wipes provided throughout the premises.

We are sure that everyone will enjoy the camp whilst keeping safe, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Gradings will be back in September

We wanted to let you know that Gradings will be back in September and more details will follow shortly. 

While we are delighted to be welcoming you all back there will be a few changes as you can imagine. Keeping everyone safe is paramount so we ask you to please take time to read all the information carefully when it is released.

We are just working on the final details and will be sharing more information very soon.

In preparation for grading please check that your licence is still valid. If you need to renew your licence we urge you to do this as soon as possible. Please:

  1. Download our licence renewal form
  2. Complete the form, sign and return by email to
  3. Send us a photo/scan of your current red licence slip
  4. You will need to pay by bank transfer and will be sent the details on application 
  5. We will the send you a printer-friendly licence renewal slip to print off and insert at home.

Summer Camp 2020 Hotel Bookings

The SSKA Summer Camp will be going ahead as planned from 14 – 16 August at the Trouville Hotel in Bournemouth.

Hotel bookings are now available. Please contact the Trouville between 7am-12noon to make your booking.

ect. To book your training you can send a cheque with your application or pay via bank transfer. For details on where to send please contact:

SSKA Summer Camp

The SSKA Summer Camp will be going ahead as planned from 14 – 16 August at the Trouville Hotel in Bournemouth.

The hotel is not open just yet, but will be soon. If you wish to book a room please contact Sensei Cole direct. To book your training you can send a cheque with your application or pay via bank transfer.

For more details please contact:

12 JULY – SSKA Annual Kata Course

We would like to confirm that the SSKA Annual Kata Course planned for Sunday 12 July in Reading is cancelled.

There is still currently no news on when leisure centres and sports facilities will be open but we can assure our members that when they do we are ready and have plans in place to keep everyone safe but still be able to enjoy and practice karate again.

As always we will keep you updated as best we can so please keep checking our website and Facebook pages.

5 JULY 2020 – Black & Brown Belt Course

We would like to confirm that the Black & Brown Belt Course and Black Belt Grading planned for Sunday 5 July in Reading is cancelled.

There is still currently no news on when leisure centres and sports facilities will be open but we can assure our members that when they do we are ready and have plans in place to keep everyone safe but still be able to enjoy and practice karate again.

As always we will keep you updated as best we can so please keep checking our website and Facebook pages.

Summer Camp 2020

Our summer camp is still going ahead as planned. We have however had to limit spaces to just 20 to ensure we can uphold social distancing.
Due to limited places there will be no options to turn up on the day to train. We will also not be offering the option to train for just 1 or 2 days. You must book and pay for 3 days.
For more information or how to pay please email

June Gradings postponed to July

We’d like to inform members that our gradings planned for June are cancelled due to current Government restrictions. If restrictions are relaxed we hope to be able to run the gradings in July.

We are looking at how we can ensure members safety and enable social distancing should these go ahead. We plan to limit numbers and have dedicated time slots for each grade. Gradings will be limited to Swindon and Reading centres only. More information will follow in due course.

We hope you are all safe and well and keeping up your training in some form.

Sensei Cole