All posts by Cailey Whitcher

Half price membership for February


From 1 February until 28 February (inclusive) we are reducing our Membership Fee to join the SSKA from £80 to £40.

Your membership will include a brand new Karate Suit embroidered with the SSKA badge and club badge plus your grading book and insurance for 1 year.

This offer is only available during February and won’t be extended. No other offers or special family rates can be used in conjunction with this offer.

For more information or to find you nearest club please get in touch by emailing us.

Free Instructor’s Information Course

Open Free Instructor’s Information Course at Grange Leisure & Community Centre, Grange Drive, Stratton St. Margaret, Swindon, SN3 4JY. 3.00-5.00pm on Sunday 30 January.

This course is for all instructors, including junior instructors, and anyone 4th Kyu and above who would like to become an instructor and run a SSKA club. The course will give you new ideas about teaching your students, advice on how to promote your club and a chance to concentrate on your own karate to help you progress, and an intense Judging and Refereeing course in preparation for the SSKA Annual Competition. For all enquiries phone or text the SSKA 07557 532676.

Clubs hold kata competition in memory of Lorna

On Sunday 19th December the SSKA clubs of Berkshire and Hampshire held a kata competition at Queens Anne’s School in Reading.

The purpose of the day was to remember one of our instructors at Caversham, Sensei Lorna Webber who sadly passed away in 2021.

In addition participants honoured her karate career with high quality performances in Lorna’s favourite discipline of kata.

The event was officiated by our Chief Instructor, Sensei Cole, Assistant Chief Instructor, Sensei Lewis with Senior Instructor assistance from Sensei Ridgeway and Sensei Thomas.

It really was an amazing day with some outstanding performances. All of which were conducted in the true spirit of karate demonstrating – respect and integrity for our art and fellow karateka.

All proceeds for the day are to be donated to charity – in this case Great Ormond’s Street Hospital.

While winning trophies is a physical reward, we should not forget the following quote from the founder of our Shotokan style.

“The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants”

– Gichin Funakoshi

In this context there were no winners or losers with all karateka benefitting from the interaction, learning and experience provided by the cause, events and competitive nature of the day.

There can be no doubt that the participants, spectators and officials on Sunday demonstrated clear focus and fulfilled this aim.

On behalf of the SSKA I would like to thank all of you who gave up your time to compete in very uncertain times, and also to those who couldn’t make the day but nonetheless donated to the cause. Your help and friendship is invaluable.

Gary Leyshon

Senior Instructor – SSKA

Final Grading of the year

If you missed the gradings this year so far you can still grade on the last Kyu grading of 2021 at Salisbury on Saturday 18th December.

Lesson is 3pm to 4pm gradings start 4pm. This course is also a black and brown belt course centre so will count towards one of your ones to take you Dan grade and you can have your card signed.

You must let Sensei Cole ( know what belt and size you want and the grade you are going for as soon as possible so we can have it ready on the day. You can pay cash on the day of the grading.

Sad news

“It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you of the passing of one of our colleagues,  Sensei Lorna Webber of Caversham Club who passed away peacefully at home on Saturday evening, 31st July. There are no further details at this moment. I will let you know additional information regarding funeral arrangements etc as and when they become available.
This is very sad news for the SSKA and in particular those of us at Caversham and Wokingham clubs whose lives Lorna touched personally. RIP my dear friend.”
Sensei Gary Leyshon
Lorna Webber, Caversham Club

July Kyu and Dan Gradings

July Kyu and Dan Gradings details:-
Woodley Sunday 4th July
Woodford Park Leisure Centre, Haddon Drive, Woodley, Reading RG5 4LY
Swindon Sunday 11th July
Grange Leisure Centre, Grange Dr, Swindon SN3 4JY
Procedure for all grades.
Both Juniors and Seniors please arrive between 9.00 -9.30am for a lesson 9.30 -11.00am.  Gradings will begin at 11.15am.
Kyu Gradings
Please note for any Kyu grades wishing to double or triple grade, this will take place during the Kyu gradings on the day.
Dan Gradings
Will take place once Kyu gradings are complete.
Retaking your Grade
For those wishing to retake their grade, this will be possible after some extra training on the day.
1.  Beginner and Kyu grades Lesson fee is £14.50pp.
2.  Brown and Black belts who wish to have their books signed Lesson fee is £18.50pp.
3.  Grading fees and the return sheet are on the SSKA website or speak to your club Instructor.
Please make sure that you hold a current valid licence before training.  Please check your licence before the day!
Renewing Your Licence
Information about renewing your licence and taking up the special offer available can be found on the SSKA website.
Making Payments
Please try and pay BEFORE the grading day, if you can.  You can pay online, or by post to my home address.  Alternatively, you can pay in person at one of the catch up lessons.
Payments can be made on the day but we cannot guarantee that a certificate and belt will be available to present to you on the day.
And finally!
All activities will be conducted in accordance with Government   and Sports Centre COVID-19 guidelines in force at the time.
Kind regards
Sensei Cole, Chief Instructor and founder of the SSKA.

Next Shotokan Karate Course in Salisbury available soon!

This course will cover all aspects of Shotokan Karate with a strong focus on Kata.
As Salisbury is a Brown & Black Belt Course Centre, the course can be counted towards your Brown & Black Belt Course requirement.
Depending on numbers wishing to take up this course, Dan & Kyu gradings may also be possible on the day.
Five Rivers Leisure Centre
Hulse Road
Date: Sunday 25th July
Time: For all grades, juniors and seniors arrive at 2.30pm, for a lesson 3- 4pm.
In the Dance Studio.
Beginners and Kyu grades £14.50pp
Brown and Black belts £18.50pp
This course is a kick-start to regular lessons and gradings  returning to Salisbury on Saturday afternoons from the beginning of September.
Can be paid by BACS or to my home address.  You can also pay on the day,  but please arrive early to do so.
For students returning to the SSKA, there is a special offer available – please check our  website for more details.
Because of limited numbers allowed in the Dance studio, you must register for this course by Sunday 18th July.
Remember, that you must hold a current valid licence to attend this course at the Sports Centre.  Please check your licence expiry date and renew it if necessary, before attending this venue.
All activities will be conducted in accordance with strict Government & Sports Centre guidelines for COVID-19
With thanks
Sensei Cole

Exeter Grading 12 June 2021

Kyu and Dan Gradings and Brown and Black Belt Course Centre in Exeter.
Venue:  Countess Village Wear Hall, 28 School Lane, Exeter  EX2 6LB
Date: Saturday 12th June
Time: Juniors and Seniors arrive at 8.45am for a lesson 9am 10am
Gradings start at 10.15am

Lesson prices
Black Brown Belt £18.50p per person.
Kyu Grades 14.50p per person.
Normal Gradings fees apply which is on the grading return sheet which you can download here.

Please try and pay before the day. You can pay by BACS or post to Sensei Cole’s address. If you can not do this then arrive early on the day to pay.

You must register in advance even if you are paying on the day because of restricted numbers in the hall.

You cannot train or grade unless you have a valid licence.

No spectators will be aloud in the hall.

Will be following the guidelines for Coronavirus inside the hall and outside the hall.
How to renew your licence

We currently have special offers on licence renewals for more information click here.

New Membership Offers starting from 17 May

Membership Offers Available from 17 May to 31 July 2021

New members joining the SSKA
Your membership will include karate suit with belt plus SSKA badge Club badge embroidered on suit, licence (insurance) and grading book. Usual  price £80.

Special offer price:
£65 for one person
£60 per person for family of two
£55 per person for family of three or more.

Previous members rejoining the SSKA
Any former SSKA members can rejoin the association at their previous grade. All you will be required to pay is a Licence Renewal Fee of £30 and will last for 12 months.  A lost Licence Book will be replaced free of charge.

Members joining from other styles or association
No joining fee is required.  You can simply pay the licence renewal fee of £30 and will last for 12 months. A lost licence book will be replaced free of charge, proof of current grade may be requested.

For more information about memberships please contact Sensei Cole on