Hopefully, we will all be back training in the Sports Centres soon, but in the meantime, we can train outside on the grass, weather permitting- Good news! Here are just a few updates for June and July, as follows:
1. There will be no pre-gradings or gradings in June. Instead, it will be catch-up lessons for all grades.
2. On June 6th and 20th June, there will be karate training covering all aspects of Shotokan Karate At Woodford Park Leisure Centre
Lessons will start at 0930 until 1100. The cost will be £10 pp. Special Rates will apply. Due to limited numbers allowed, please arrive early.
3. On June 6th, there will be karate training covering all aspects of Shotokan Karate at Grange Leisure a Community Centre.
Lessons will will start at 1330 until 1500. The cost will be £10pp. Special Rates will apply. Due to limited numbers allowed, please arrive early.
4. On June 27th, there will be karate training covering all aspects of Shotokan Karate at Grange Leisure a Community Centre.
Lessons will will start at 0930 until 1100. The cost will be £10pp. Special Rates will apply. Due to limited numbers allowed, please arrive early.
1. All Gradings for 10th kyu – Black belts will now take place in July. Woodley gradings on 4th July and Swindon gradings on 11th. Further details to follow.
2. Because of Covid19 and lockdowns, Special Rates for Licence renewals are available. Please refer to the SSKA website for details.
3. Students can double or triple grade, if they wish. Only one lesson fee is payable and then each grading fee. Please advise how many belts are required.
4. Those students grading for 1st Kyu who fail part of their grade can regrade again on the same day after some further training/ coaching. A second grading fee will be due.
5. Those students grading for Black belt who fail only part of their grade, can regrade again on the same day after some further training/ coaching. A second grading fee will be due.
6. Students who paid for their grading in 2020, but have yet to grade will have nothing to pay, unless they wish to double/ triple grade. The extra grading fee will be payable.
7. Due to Lockdown, students may be in possession of an out-of-date Licence. A Licence Renewal fee will be required. Please ensure that your students check their Licences beforehand.
8. Payments can be made online on the SSKA website, to my address or at one of the catch-up courses.
9. Grading and Licence forms can be downloaded from the SSKA website.
10. The Summer Camp 13th to 15th August 2021 will definitely take place. Please use the Winter Camp Form which is available on the SSKA website. Payment can be made online, by post to my home address or at one of the catch-up courses.
Please pass on all relevant information to your students- many thanks!
Thank you all for your continued support.
Best wishes
Sensei Stuart Cole